Online Coaching

“Lots of clear and thoughtful analysis, and some really helpful feedback… loads for me to work on!”

-Kit Marsden on Facebook, Norwich

How does it work?

An opportunity to get your matches analysed by former UK #1 U21 England international and best pimples player in the UK. An experienced coach and player with all different types of rubber.

  • Working on developing some of the following to win more points and win more matches: In-depth technique work and execution, match tactics, advanced footwork patterns, stable body position, table awareness and more!

  • *All plans open to any standard of player, from beginner to pro! I tailor my plans and adapt them to you.*

    Contact me for a free 15 minute assessment call if you wish.

Detailed plans below…

“The Boost”


  • Send me 2 matches from a tournament or league night.

  • I will analyse them and include exactly what and where to improve with specific exercises tailored to you and your game.

How it works

  1. Send me your match footage for me to analyse.

  2. I’ll contact you to arrange our 20 minute online video call in which I will explain my analysis. Also gives you an opportunity to ask questions about your game an your development.

“The Intense”


  • 30 Days of specialised coaching

    During the 30 days:

  • Start with a 15 minute consultation call.

  • You will get 4x 30 min online 1-2-1 calls.

  • Send me a match or training footage to analyse for the calls every week.

  • You can also send smaller training clips anytime in the month to get written feedback/voice notes during the 30 days.

  • I will analyse your videos and make a plan for you and your game and adapt it over the month as you improve.

  • Includes exactly what and where to improve and specific exercises tailored to you and your development.

“The Journey”


  • On-going regular long term game development with a personalised plan with me as your coach.

  • Start with a 15 minute consultation call - explain exactly where you are on your table tennis journey and your goals.

  • Send me a set of training/match videos every 2 weeks.

  • We’ll do 2x30 minute regular video calls per month in which i will explain my analysis of those videos and an opportunity for you to ask any questions about your game, plan, and development.

  • Get consistent on-going analysis of your game and updated plans including specific exercises which enables us to make frequent tweaks to your plan.

  • I will track your progression alongside my long-term plan for you.

*Once paid, I will be in contact with you swiftly*