Mindset Coaching

Work with a mindset coach who has been there and actually done it.

Attaining the achivement of the fastest improving player two years in a row, a feat never before or since accomplished, getting to #1 in the UK (u21) and world junior hardbat champion are just some of my accomplishments. I have now worked with over 5 internationals.

To reach that level I had to understand myself and what works in and outside of sport, collaborate with my mind, constantly improve, reduce wider life stress and learn to cope with pressure in and outside of sport, amongst many other challenges. Over 500+ hours of in-depth work helped me work through those things, and I can confidently say I wouldn’t have been the player I was, or person I am without that. The mind is very powerful, and you want it working with you, not against you.

I have now studied specifically in the delivery of this area and am now an experienced and established mindset coach in and outside of sport with experience in helping people through trauma. While we recognise the mental side of any discipline, or wider life, is just as important, why do so few of us actively train our mindset?

My passion is now to help others work through their challenges and understand themselves better through guided and professional mindset coaching, and discover the true benefits of this!

  • Some Common Struggles: Performance anxiety, losing focus, ability to apply tactics, spare mental head space, past trauma, life outside of sport, and more. I help people work through and overcome these things partly by delving into the subconcious processes that are hindering happiness and performance, unlocking new possibilities.

  • Session structure: One-to-one over a private video/phone call. Going through techniques and concepts such as developing a growth and innovative mindset, positive language techniques, generating self belief, mental arousal levels, malleable thinking improvement, the crucial 4 step routine… and many more valuable concepts guided by myself, an experienced mindset coach.

  • Business: Explore how mindset coaching can help you in your line of work or in your business by understanding your natural biases that are impacting both positively and negatively and reducing wider life stress.

  • Athletes: Do you feel your performance drops when going into competitions or you struggle to maintain the focus requied? Perhaps the fear of losing, performing badly or the mental battles are impacting your enjoyment and results.

  • Wider Life Improvements: Discover how mindset coaching not only enhances your performance but also contributes to innovation and improvement in your general life.

  • Global Community: Join the others from around the globe who are committed to improving their mindset with me for enhanced performance and lowering general life stress.

  • Experienced Coach: Gain insights from a coach with over 500 hours of personal mindset coaching and intensive studies in the field, ensuring effective guidance through these challenges.

  • Coaching for Coaches: Ideal for coaches seeking to understand the mindset of their clients and enhance their coaching skills across any discipline.

  • Proven Results: Check out what people have been saying about me on the right of the page. Learn from a coach who attributes mindset coaching as the single most significant factor in achieving England #1 ranking and being the fastest improving player in the UK for two consecutive years.

  • Innovation and Continuous Improvement: Benefit from a coach who continues to innovate and pass on a mindset-focused approach to help others reach their full potential.

  • This in-depth work helps to resolve challenges and hurdles that everyone faces, enabling clarity of thought regardless of the sport or discipline you wish to perform better in.


    £50 per 50 minute session. Or £80 per 1hr 20 min session.

*Once paid, I will be in contact with you swiftly so we can arrange a time and date for our call*


“I used to get so so nervous and stressed before matches that my level would drop so much causing me to lose to players I can beat, which would frustrate me so much and lead to unhappiness. Now I find myself going into matches way less stressed and much happier at the end of the night regardless of the outcome”

“I’m pleased to let you know I’ve just won all my matches over 5 weeks and ended up top of the player statistics with 100% in my premier division.” I’ve been doing mindset coaching with Sam for around 3 months now.

“I am a musician and my playing has improved so much this year, and I credit a lot of that to the positive mindset and self talk that I have now worked through. My parents and people at my church have also remarked on how much more confident i seem recently as well.”

*All clients names have remained annonymous due to confidentiality reasons, and you can ensure everything you say also remains private too.*

Conducting a talk to over 200 people.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Are all the sessions confidential? Yes, everything we discuss is strictly confidential from my side with appropriate measures being taken to ensure this.

  • Who’s it for? Mindset coaching can be very valuable for anyone and everyone, wether you’re someone who struggles with nerves which is impacting your performance and happiness, or someone who just wants to be even better at your chosen discipline.

  • How long will it take to see results? As everything is individualised to you, there is no set standard for this, however most see the potential benefits that can be achieved with time and consistency within only a few weeks and start to see these materialise not long after.